Paid Subscriber Posts

Paid Subscriber Posts
136 stories (Page 3)
220: Walden Porn

220: Walden Porn

Plus, kid mullets, the Unknome, sexy farming (and sex in cars), and good news on heart disease in the United States, endometriosis, air pollution in Europe, fishing restrictions in South Africa, and pumped hydro in China.

219: Glimmers

219: Glimmers

Plus, modern day doom machine, back-of-the-pack running, CRISPR crops, thanobots, and good news on global breast-feeding rates, healthcare in India, serial killers, conservation in Gabon and wind energy in the UK.

214: Gravity Hum

214: Gravity Hum

Plus, the myth of the lizard brain, airships, psychedelic first responders, and good news on funding for a new TB vaccine, crime in Mexico City, deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia, and electric vehicles in Canada.

213: The Path to Happiness

213: The Path to Happiness

Plus, cosmic ray muons, industrial stem cell engineering, new sci-fi recommendations, and good news on rubella in southeast Asia, breast cancer in the UK, blue whales in California, food waste in South Korea, and industrial clean energy policy in the US and Japan.

212: Mantlecore

212: Mantlecore

Plus tiny awards, brain grooves, battery belts, and good news on global inequality, AIDS in South Africa, bee conservation in New York, giant tortoises, rooftop solar around the world, and Toyota's long-awaited move into electric.

211: Double Ducks

211: Double Ducks

Plus, a new charity partner, magnetic navigation, angry old men, thick and thin rules, and good news on global stunting rates, teen pregnancy in the United States, malaria in Tanzania, wind and solar records in Europe, and ocean conservation in Australia.

210: Seaflooding

210: Seaflooding

Plus, alien space parts, sleeping beauties, and good news on poverty reduction, sanitation in the Ivory Coast, human rights in Romania, global clean energy investment, solar in China, and native logging in Victoria

209: Topias

209: Topias

Plus, open-source sourdough, synesthesia, the oldest architectural plans, and good news on tropical disease elimination in Bangladesh, Mali and Benin; homicide rates in the United States; deforestation in Brazil; platypus reintroductions in Australia; and falling emissions in Europe.

208: Pangenome

208: Pangenome

Plus, a cloning milestone, mapping the planet's seabed, eavesdropping on animals, and good news on poverty (and deforestation) in Indonesia, press freedom in Fiji, debt for nature in Ecuador, shade in American cities, and wind power in the United Kingdom.

204: Nose Print

204: Nose Print

Plus, unreal motion capture, unreal lightning capture, amazing mathematicians, and good news on population growth, malaria vaccines in Kenya, global river restoration, private conservation in South America and rooftop solar in China.

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