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Fix The News
287: The Secret Pattern
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287: The Secret Pattern

To see the web of the world, and the warp and the weft of that web. Plus, an astonishingly good year for clean energy, child marriage declines in Malaysia, poverty falling in Thailand, the return of big carnivores in Europe, and the most powerful AI biology tool ever created.

286: Iron Winds
/ paid

286: Iron Winds

A planet straight out of science fiction. Plus, one year of malaria vaccines, California's MPAs are working, child mortality down in Asian countries, garden cities in the Amazon, cleaning up the Arctic, and fuel demand levels off in China.

285: Principles for the Permaweird
/ paid

285: Principles for the Permaweird

"Consensual reality is significantly flawed." Plus, good news on high school graduation rates, two breakthroughs for rice-farming, labour reform in Spain, fur production plummets, and Baltics ditch Russian energy.

More to Give

More to Give

Not just expanding what we give, but rethinking how we give

283: How To Survive Being Online
/ paid

283: How To Survive Being Online

Plus, vortex lances, why life is more than an engineering problem, and good news on global wage inequality, sanitation in Cambodia, conservation in Bolivia, and peak oil in China.

282: Brain-Washing Machine

282: Brain-Washing Machine

Plus, a sea of photovoltaic possibility, good news for the environment in America (seriously), global prices back to normal, 'emergent' collective memory for ants, and some Herculaneum scroll action.

280: Murderbot

280: Murderbot

Plus, bioluminescent nudibranches, Lucy, an update on Moore's Law, and good news on global access to electricity, conservation in Bolivia, China's Great Green Wall, and falling oil demand.

279: Breakneck Solarisation

279: Breakneck Solarisation

Plus, the dark proteome, Arcane, a killer tip for your information diet, and good news on TB in Africa, drug overdoses in America, the restoration of Lorde Howe and a coal phase-out in Indonesia.

277: Nauseously Optimistic

277: Nauseously Optimistic

It's the United States gender reveal! We hope it’s a girl. Plus, an interview with Steven Pinker, global air pollutions deaths fall, EU emissions too, a massive new school feeding program for Kenya, and the Three Body Problem solved.

276: The Regenerative City

276: The Regenerative City

Planting the seeds of tomorrow. Plus, Europe's largest ever marine protected area, a black hole triple, good news on tuberculosis, Chinese emissions still on track for a decline, and GLP-1 drugs FTW.

275: The Miraculous Resurrection of Notre Dame

275: The Miraculous Resurrection of Notre Dame

Keeping the savoir-faire alive. Plus, elimination of malaria in Egypt, rice fortification for millions in India, the resurrection of the Tasmanian Tiger, the EU sticks to its guns on electric vehicles, and 'orbitronics'.

Millions of little bits

Millions of little bits

A second report from New York. Plus, a seminal moment in the history of energy, waging war on invasive rodents, a plastic bag ban in California and good news for sea turtles in Greece

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