Angus Hervey

Angus Hervey

295 stories (Page 2)
204: Nose Print
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204: Nose Print

Plus, unreal motion capture, unreal lightning capture, amazing mathematicians, and good news on population growth, malaria vaccines in Kenya, global river restoration, private conservation in South America and rooftop solar in China.

200: The Rift
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200: The Rift

Plus, the innermost inner core, lab-grown tenderloin, gold hydrogen, and good news on watersheds in Bolivia, a new reserve in Ecuador, solar in China, a green bank in the United States, and riding across Africa on an electric motorbike.

197: Toroidal
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197: Toroidal

Plus, Kai Lenny stomping Jaws, vortex ultrasound, very sad coal bosses, and good news on neglected tropical diseases, women's rights in China (and Sierra Leone), conservation in Alaska, and clean energy acceleration in Europe.

193: What Water Wants
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193: What Water Wants

Plus, holographic wormholes, lab-grown salmon, floating wetlands, and good news on measles, education in Sierra Leone, de-mining in Cambodia, a new drug for Alzheimer's, windfarms in Scotland, clean energy in the United States, and global mangrove protections.

192: Quettabyte
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192: Quettabyte

Plus, Dutch farming, the tyranny of time, an amazing new map, and good news on tuberculosis in Tanzania, literacy in Latin America, crime in the UK, electric two wheelers, protections for sharks and forests in Nepal.

191: Artemis
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191: Artemis

Plus, never look at a date the same way again, AI Dolly Parton, two dads one baby, and good news on global smoking rates, de-mining in Angola, traditional burning in California, elephant conservation in Zimbabwe, solar in Asia, and EVs in China (again).

186: Silphion
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186: Silphion

Plus, magnet-grown meat, why parody matters, old-fashioned sobriety, and good news on global inequality, women's rights in India, wetland conservation in Argentina, an ICE ban in New York, and industrial decarbonization in Europe.

184: Stone Skipper
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184: Stone Skipper

Plus, a new comments section, solving Saturn's mysteries, the greatest jump of all time, and good news on AIDS, youth crime in the US, ocean conservation in Indonesia, river restoration in Europe and Canada, clean air zones in Spain and an electric truck from Mercedes.

181: Scruffy Hospitality
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181: Scruffy Hospitality

Plus, the largest artwork ever made, LLMs meet the robots, one of the best life advice essays ever, and good news on tropical diseases in Togo, conservation funding in the United States, a combustion engine ban in California, and puffins in Maine.

180: Pepper Shepherd
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180: Pepper Shepherd

Plus, the grandmother hypothesis, digital twins, celebrating the grind, and good news on cervical cancer in Rwanda, steel emissions in China, a new Indigenous protected area in Canada, and saiga antelope in Kazakhstan.

178: The Dawn of Everything
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178: The Dawn of Everything

Plus, exaflop computing, Neil Gaiman, Merlin Sheldrake, the Ethereum merge, and good news on poverty in Cambodia, womens rights in Kansas, global coal plant construction, and sacred groves in India.

177: The Art of Maintenance
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177: The Art of Maintenance

Plus, one of the greatest scientific leaps of our lifetimes, the three pillars of happiness, opti-ox technology, and good news on hepatitis B, crime in New York, conservation in Colombia, electric vehicles in China, and tiger populations in Asia.

176: Torpor
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176: Torpor

Plus, galactic whirlpools of Eldritch horror, how technology keeps on saving us, and good news on AIDS in Botswana, a new cure for hemopholia, some surprising news about EVs in the United States, and an important win for honeybees in Europe.

173: Ouroborous Quine
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173: Ouroborous Quine

Plus, the Aztec Pantheon, light therapy for cancer, dark skies, and good news on global fertility rates, road safety in Colombia, global offshore wind pipelines, Ferrari's electrification strategy, and a plastic ban by Canada.

168: Tabula Sapiens
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168: Tabula Sapiens

Plus, our very own black hole, Pulitzer Prize-winning science journalism, a visit to the human factory, and good news on cancer in Canada, poverty in Vietnam, a global insurance giant ditching fossil fuels, and the end of greyhound racing in the US.

166: Earendel
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166: Earendel

Plus, how Alphafold is upending life sciences, the end of the end of history, the care economy, and good news on womens' rights in Indonesia, a solar power boom in the Phillipines, and the return of forests in Scotland.

161: Moon Trees
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161: Moon Trees

Plus, the Great Smushing, an incredible gene therapy story, Russia-China realpolitik, and good news on women's rights in Colombia, cancer in Japan, electric trucks, and the return of the Tequila Fish.

No 153: Hopepunk
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No 153: Hopepunk

Plus, phenomenal imaging resolution in a live brain, cancelling Leunig, a Glasgow half full, Mama Elephant and good news on measles, global tobacco use, prostate cancer in Canada, the Amazon of Europe and the regeneration of the Thames.

Good News, 8th November 2021

Good News, 8th November 2021

An enormous new marine park for one of the most biodiverse ocean corridors on the planet. Plus, why COP26 is going better than you think, and good news on stroke rates, war deaths, human rights in Chile, democracy in Kazakhstan, turtles, cheetahs and the end of animal testing in Mexico.

Good News, 16th October 2021

Good News, 16th October 2021

An incredible new weapon in the war against one of humanity's oldest and deadliest foes. Plus, good news on landmines, healthcare in India and Haiti, a coal ban in China's industrial heartland, the end of overfishing in the United States, and a massive new marine reserve in the Atlantic.

No. 149: If You Say The Word
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No. 149: If You Say The Word

Plus, farmscrapers, the first ever vaccine for a parasitic disease, plastic-eating enzymes, and good news on global landmine clearances, good governance in Indonesia, a coal ban in Guangdong, and the restoration of three national monuments in the United States

Good News, 2nd October 2021

Good News, 2nd October 2021

Electric vehicles are coming WAY faster than you think. Plus, good news on coal funding from China, global cholera cases, access to electricity in Bangladesh, attitudes to race in the United States, wildlife crossings, and the largest philanthropic donation for conservation of all time.

No. 148: Rainbow Circles
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No. 148: Rainbow Circles

Plus, a new story for the New World, why astrology matters, 3D-printed army barracks, and good news on children's rights in the Phillipines, gay marriage in Switzerland, fossil fuels divestment in Quebec, and new animal protections in Hawaii.

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