Welcome to Fix The News

Hi, and thanks for signing up. You've just joined 62,000 readers who are committed to finding out what's going right in the world. We're really glad to have you on board.

I'm going to explain why I started Fix The News, then give you a one-time 25% discount for a premium subscription at the bottom of this page.

I'm Angus Hervey, the founder and editor of Fix The News. I started this newsletter nine years ago to provide a counterpoint to the relentless negativity of mainstream news. I believe that the news should give us an accurate picture of what is happening in the world, and right now it’s doing a really bad job at that.

This is me, speaking about a lot of this stuff at TED in 2024.

The news tells us what’s going wrong. The headlines are full of stories of failure, not success. It’s also true that the news is about sudden events, not gradual trends. As a result, vast waves of progress - extreme poverty declining, lifespans increasing, nations becoming more tolerant, diseases disappearing, oceans and forests being protected, clean energy replacing fossil fuels - are invisible in journalism. 

A simpler way of saying this is that terrible things might be happening in the world, but not everything that's happening is terrible. This newsletter exists to showcase all the things that are going right.

A word of warning: we are unashamedly biased. You will only find good news here. Not dogs riding surfboards, or childhood friends reunited after decades apart. When I say 'good news', I mean real news. Stories of progress for people and the planet that take place at a large scale and have genuine impact, even where mainstream media coverage is scarce.

Every new reader, like yourself, helps us prove that there's a demand for this kind of journalism, so thanks for joining us! As a subscriber, you can expect a regular, weekly dose of good news in your inbox. I hope you like it. We also have a podcast, and I'm on Bluesky and Linkedin, if you'd like to connect there.

Since you just signed up, I also wanted to let you know that we donate a third of all our subscription fees to small charities around the world that fly under the radar, but make a real difference. We're really proud of this; it's our circular news model - our reporting drives subscriptions, which turn into action, which leads to more news about how progress is possible.

In addition to the top stories of the week, paid subscribers get a whole lot of extra content under our categories of human progress, environmental victories, the clean energy transition, and scientific and technological breakthroughs. We also include a weekly selection of our favourite things from the internet.

We're offering all new readers a 25% discount off a paid membership.

This is a pivotal moment for humanity. The challenges we face are undeniable and profound. But if nobody is documenting what's going right, then how will we know our collective efforts are making a difference? Someone needs to tell these stories —to provide evidence that positive change is possible, and happening. That's why we're here.

If you have any questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out. We're so pleased you found us.

All the best,


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