Amy Rose

Amy Rose

219 stories (Page 2)
181: Scruffy Hospitality
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181: Scruffy Hospitality

Plus, the largest artwork ever made, LLMs meet the robots, one of the best life advice essays ever, and good news on tropical diseases in Togo, conservation funding in the United States, a combustion engine ban in California, and puffins in Maine.

180: Pepper Shepherd
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180: Pepper Shepherd

Plus, the grandmother hypothesis, digital twins, celebrating the grind, and good news on cervical cancer in Rwanda, steel emissions in China, a new Indigenous protected area in Canada, and saiga antelope in Kazakhstan.

178: The Dawn of Everything
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178: The Dawn of Everything

Plus, exaflop computing, Neil Gaiman, Merlin Sheldrake, the Ethereum merge, and good news on poverty in Cambodia, womens rights in Kansas, global coal plant construction, and sacred groves in India.

177: The Art of Maintenance
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177: The Art of Maintenance

Plus, one of the greatest scientific leaps of our lifetimes, the three pillars of happiness, opti-ox technology, and good news on hepatitis B, crime in New York, conservation in Colombia, electric vehicles in China, and tiger populations in Asia.

176: Torpor
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176: Torpor

Plus, galactic whirlpools of Eldritch horror, how technology keeps on saving us, and good news on AIDS in Botswana, a new cure for hemopholia, some surprising news about EVs in the United States, and an important win for honeybees in Europe.

173: Ouroborous Quine
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173: Ouroborous Quine

Plus, the Aztec Pantheon, light therapy for cancer, dark skies, and good news on global fertility rates, road safety in Colombia, global offshore wind pipelines, Ferrari's electrification strategy, and a plastic ban by Canada.

168: Tabula Sapiens
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168: Tabula Sapiens

Plus, our very own black hole, Pulitzer Prize-winning science journalism, a visit to the human factory, and good news on cancer in Canada, poverty in Vietnam, a global insurance giant ditching fossil fuels, and the end of greyhound racing in the US.

166: Earendel
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166: Earendel

Plus, how Alphafold is upending life sciences, the end of the end of history, the care economy, and good news on womens' rights in Indonesia, a solar power boom in the Phillipines, and the return of forests in Scotland.

No 153: Hopepunk
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No 153: Hopepunk

Plus, phenomenal imaging resolution in a live brain, cancelling Leunig, a Glasgow half full, Mama Elephant and good news on measles, global tobacco use, prostate cancer in Canada, the Amazon of Europe and the regeneration of the Thames.

No. 149: If You Say The Word
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No. 149: If You Say The Word

Plus, farmscrapers, the first ever vaccine for a parasitic disease, plastic-eating enzymes, and good news on global landmine clearances, good governance in Indonesia, a coal ban in Guangdong, and the restoration of three national monuments in the United States

No. 146: E-Ute
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No. 146: E-Ute

Plus, starling murmurations, artificial kidneys, Buddhism for dogs, and good news on poverty reductions in the US, the decline of leprosy, vanishing global coal pipelines, and bandicoot recoveries in Australia.

No. 145: Fungal Intelligence
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No. 145: Fungal Intelligence

Plus, the most powerful magnetic field ever created, how a deep ocean bacteria led to a cure for brain cancer, and good news on human rights in Mexico, sanitation in India, a major divestment milestone in the US, and the recovery of tuna stocks in the Atlantic.

Good News, 30th April 2021

Good News, 30th April 2021

A transformative decade for clean energy in the US, big news on coal in Poland, a new malaria vaccine in Burkina Faso, Gambia eliminates trachoma, a historic milestone for indigenous land rights in Peru, and two islands restored in Hawaii and the Caribbean.

Good News, 12th March 2021

Good News, 12th March 2021

Malaria wins in El Salvador, progress on hepatitis C in Egypt, declining cancer deaths in Europe, a huge market signal for plant-based meats, an important victory for climate activists in the UK, and an inspiring conservation story from Italy.

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