244: Digital Twin
Plus, the last repair shop, Vernor Vinge, the quantum internet, and good news on malaria in India, democracy in Senegal, deforestation in the Amazon, and solar in China.
Plus, the last repair shop, Vernor Vinge, the quantum internet, and good news on malaria in India, democracy in Senegal, deforestation in the Amazon, and solar in China.
Plus, falling crime in America, school feeding programs in Africa, women's right in Croatia, the world's newest (and biggest) dark sky sanctuary, and rewilding in Japan and Scotland.
Plus, parkour robots, 3D printed windpipes, that Dune chant, and good news on global child deaths, same-sex marriage in Thailand, ocean conservation in the Southern Ocean, and electric vehicle sales in China
Plus, cervical cancer elimination, poverty in Uzbekistan, shoplifting myths in America, cheetahs in India, island restoration in Australia, and the curse of A/B testing.
Plus, bioastronautics, medicine music, rescuing chimps, and good news on cervical cancer elimination, poverty in Kazakhstan, reforestation in China, and carbon emissions in the United Kingdom.
Plus, reproductive rights in France, poverty in India, breast cancer in the United States, recoveries for crocodiles in Thailand and Australia, and river restoration in Maine.
Plus, nuclear submarines, robot evolution, sexy solar, and good news on reproductive rights in France, poverty in India, river restoration in Maine, and carbon emissions (sort of).
Plus, healthcare in southeast Asia, crime in San Francisco, tougher environmental laws in Europe, cage-free eggs for McDonalds, and rewilding in Australia.
Plus, drill baby drill, nerd fandom, DNA data drives, and good news on healthcare in Southeast Asia, human rights in Greece, environmental legislation in Europe, and electric vehicle wrecking balls.
Plus, heart disease in the USA, air pollution in India, the first endometriosis drug in four decades, the greatest river recovery in Europe, and giant tortoises in Madagascar
Plus, the Future Circular Collider, no one eats alone, modern cathedrals, and good news on tolerance in Poland, land restoration in the Dominican Republic and how the WSJ ate clean energy humble pie.
Plus, child marriage in Zambia, crime in Mexico, parking in Paris, snow leopards in India, sea otters in California and ocean protection in Spain and the UK
Plus, ancient scroll magic, inflatable space stations, the problem with doom-saying, and good news on gun violence in America, crime in Mexico, ocean conservation in Spain and plummeting carbon emissions in the EU.
Plus, education in the Seychelles, black fever in India, good news for forests, a new national park in Colombia, and re-wilding platypuses in Australia
Plus, a new form of life, trackless Ferris wheels, the $100 genome, and good news on Obamacare, education in the Seychelles, conservation in Mexico and Ireland, and rooftop solar in India.
Plus, Make America Rake Again, literacy in Iran, school lunches in Brazil, HIV in South Africa, air pollution in megacities, and humpback whales in South Georgia.
Plus, lab-grown steak, Dan Wang, epigraphene, and good news on the malaria vaccine, poverty in India, reforestation in China, and offshore wind in Europe
Plus, sanitation in Tanzania, human rights in Greece, a ton of good news from the United States (seriously), wetland conservation in Spain, and animal rights in South Korea