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Advertise with us

Do you want to promote your services? Consider an advertisement in Fix The News. We distribute a weekly edition of our newsletter to tens of thousands of smart, forward-thinking and optimistic professionals, researchers and active citizens in over 190 countries.

By an order of magnitude, the best source for positive news anywhere on the internet.
Steven Pinker

Subscribers: 55,000+

7 day open rate: 60%

30 day open rate: 82%

Click rate: 4-5%                        

Reader location: North America, Australia, rest of the world.

Demographics: 30-55 yo/ 60% female / 40% male.

Occupations: International development, conservation, technology, social activism, clean energy, healthcare, research, education.

Performance: Unique clicks per advertisement average between 150-300.

One advertisement costs USD$500
Two advertisements cost USD$900
Three advertisements cost USD$1,200.

Examples: Here are some examples of previous advertisements.

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