249: Rewild The Internet

This is the premium edition of Fix The News, a weekly roundup of good news, mind-blowing science, and the best bits of the internet. If someone forwarded this, you can subscribe here. One third of your subscription fee goes to charity. Listen to our podcast. You can buy a gift subscription for someone else here. If you need to unsubscribe, there's a link at the end of this email.

Hi everyone, Gus here.

Thanks for your patience over the last few weeks—we know the publishing schedule has been a little patchy, and we appreciate your understanding. I was celebrating my 40th birthday with friends and family in South Africa and also managed to jam in a visit to Vancouver to speak at TED.

Here are a few photos of the talk, which we're looking forward to sharing with you when it comes out next week. We're back to regular programming now. Buckle up for a pretty dense edition, there's been a lot to catch up on!

In which I do my best Dr Evil impersonation.