158: No More Dead Butterflies

This is the members only edition of Future Crunch, a weekly roundup of good news, mindblowing science, and the best bits of the internet (not necessarily in that order). One third of your subscription fee goes to charity.

Give a damn

We recently discovered an wonderful little charity in Nigeria called Safe Child Africa. They provide refuge for children in the Niger Delta accused of witchcraft; children who would otherwise have nowhere else to go. Their Emergency Accommodation Centre provides a place for children to stay for seven nights, while alternative secure care or longer term foster care is sought.

We're sending them $5,000, which they're going to spend on kitchen equipment, computers, bedding and clothing, and other supplies. These people are doing amazing work, and hopefully this donation will make their lives, and the lives of the kids they're helping, a little easier. Thank you so much to all of our members for making this possible, and for your generosity and continued support. We'll keep you updated with some photos of the supplies as they come in.

Also, in October 2020 you helped us buy a drone for the Uru-eu-wau-wau Indigenous People (Jupaú) in the Amazon. Since then it's become a crucial tool in their protection of the forest. Sundance Festival recently screened a documentary called The Territory, which follows Bitaté, a young leader of the Uru-eu-wau-wau who uses technology to protect his culture and territory. During the first part of the film you can see Bitaté using the drone donated by Future Crunch to monitor invasions and deforestation, and later on, teaching his people how to fly it.

We thought you all should know - seeing as you're the reason they've got the drone :)